In my last post, I told you about the milkglass and black bead Sherman that was being auctioned on ebay. Well that auction ended a couple of days back and I nearly fell through the floor when I saw the price it went for? Ready? How's $946.96 sound? Phew! I never would have dreamed it would fetch a dollar like that. Yes, it's unusual but ... well I'm speechless! Were you the winner? I didn't even watch the auction once it got over $400.
And now, in 3 hours or so, the other piece I mentioned in that same blog is finishing. It's the really pretty set with the unique design and it's sitting at $310 as I write. You can check what happened with it later by clicking on THIS LINK.
I really liked this one and again it was unique in that it's both a brooch and a pendant. Don't think I've ever seen a Sherman brooch that does both.
You must be asking yourself at this point why I keep promoting Shermans for sale by other vendors when I have plenty of my own to sell. Well, I must confess, I'm wondering too and the more I watch what these Shermans are fetching on ebay, the more I think I either need to sell Shermans there or maybe ... run my own rock bottom price sale?
Well before I resort to eBay, that's what I'm doing. In fact, right now in OUR SHOP AT RUBY LANE, we're running a "SPRING INTO SUMMER SALE" and everything in the shop is open to offers, including all my Shermans! Because of other pressures in my life and domestic scene, I'm on the point of getting out of vintage costume jewelry altogether. So I'm willing to listen to any offer on my Shermans or other vintage jewelry: if what you offer me is at least what I paid for it, I'll accept your offer. How's that sound? I'm not kidding. So what do you have to lose by making me an offer? You won't offend me if you're well below what I paid. That'll just prove I overpaid. Mind you, looking at what those Shermans are selling for on ebay, I have trouble understanding how that happened.
Anyway, bottom line is MAKE ME AN OFFER. If you offer me at least what it cost me to buy that Sherman, it's yours. I'd rather try this than take my chances on ebay. If you're a regular reader of my blog, you know why LOL!
So slip over to OUR SHOP AT RUBY LANE now and type SHERMAN into our search box. It'll bring up all the Shermans I currently have listed, like the highly collectible Bracelet/earring set shown below. Make me an offer and you might be the happy owner of this knockout set!

NOTE: I have never charged super high prices for any of my Shermans. Many, in fact, are already priced close to cost. But there's room to move on others. So give it a shot and grab yourself a Sherman at a bargain price!